January 22nd: That's a Wrap! Dessert by Deb Closed for Extended Break, Reopening in Late 2025. End of Season Orders Continuing to Ship in January (80% Through The End of Season Queue) and Final End of Season Ticket Orders To Be Put Through. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter below for updates, sneak peeks & all things Deb! Thank you dearly to all my loyal customers and friends for your business and loving support! - Love, Deb*
London Calling!  The Time of My Life on a Harney & Sons Tea Tour

London Calling! The Time of My Life on a Harney & Sons Tea Tour

It's July 19, 2020 and tomorrow marks one of the most incredible anniversaries in my life: the 2-year anniversary of my trip to London, England in 2018.  On July 20, I boarded an Air Canada plane and my first flight overseas at the tender age of 32 for a week-long stay in London, my lifelong dream destination.  A trip that would change my life and change ME in ways I could never imagine.  A trip that, till this very day, still brings tears to my eyes (I'm having to wipe away tears even as I write this because there's THAT much emotion in this) and still makes my heart feel like it's going to burst from joy.
Debra Wong
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Joy, Inspiration & "Big Magic" - Seeking Tranquility in Tea and Crafts!

Joy, Inspiration & "Big Magic" - Seeking Tranquility in Tea and Crafts!

This weekend I joyfully finished reading Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic, which I gushed and blogged about in my last blog post.  So it's no surprise that I was inspired to do something that I haven't done in a long time: create for the sake of creating.  I was inspired to dabble in a new and fun and personal project and I made stuff for no other reason than to make stuff for the sheer heck of it!  Zero expectations (other than to actually MAKE the thing!) and zero rushing.

Debra Wong
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Inspiration, Big Magic & What Sets my Soul On Fire: A Glimpse Into My Inspiration Notebook

Inspiration, Big Magic & What Sets my Soul On Fire: A Glimpse Into My Inspiration Notebook

Starting Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert got me thinking: while I've shared parts of my story with you all in different blog posts, it occured to me that I hadn't yet begun to delve into all the nooks and crannies of my inspiration: where I seek it, how it comes to me, where I record it, what lights me up, what sets my soul on fire.  And how different areas of my life, interests, aspirations, dreams, and passions tie into my bigger love of tea.  I want to share a part of my inspiration and creative world with all of you here.
Debra Wong
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Chronicles of a Tea Lover: I Love Tetsubin Teapots!

Chronicles of a Tea Lover: I Love Tetsubin Teapots!

In my first Chronicles post earlier this month, I shared pictures of my cute-as-a-button Pusheen teaware collection where we oohed and ahhed over Pusheen's hilarious antics on mugs, ha!  Today we take a peek into my small but so, so loved collection of...tetsubin teapots!
Debra Wong
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Dessert by Deb Turns 1!  5 Defining Moments From My First Year of Business

Dessert by Deb Turns 1! 5 Defining Moments From My First Year of Business

There is so much growth and change that happens in a year, especially for a business.  All the excitement, anticipation, creativity, and inspiration going right up against the struggles, challenges, doubts, and frustrations, mixed together like a cake batter with lumps.  Which is why reflection is so important.  Looking at things in hindsight so you can be better and wiser.  So in my first year of business running Dessert by Deb, in no particular order, here are my 5 defining moments:

Debra Wong
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Chronicles of a Tea Lover - Collections: I Love Pusheen Mug & Teaware

Chronicles of a Tea Lover - Collections: I Love Pusheen Mug & Teaware

Chronicles of a Tea Lover will document all the fun and personal loves of my life dedicated to tea and today we talk tea collections because we tea lovers ALL HAVE THEM!  We tea lovers looooove collecting tons of different tea things because having tea in our everyday lives brings us that much joy.  Today's blog post is dedicated to my Pusheen mug and teaware collection.   
Debra Wong
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Getting Tea Bookish - 5 Scrumptious Tea Novels!

Getting Tea Bookish - 5 Scrumptious Tea Novels!

Back in March, I blogged about 5 fabulous tea books for those who love cookbooks, recipe books, tea books with gorgeous photography, and those who wanted to grow and expand their tea knowledge in yummy ways.  "But Deb, what if I want to lose myself and sink my teeth into some great fiction instead?  How about us bookish novel junkies??"  I got you covered my tea loves!  Check out 5 of my favourite tea novels:
Debra Wong
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Sweet Surrender, Part 2: How Creating a Tea Table Changed My Life

Sweet Surrender, Part 2: How Creating a Tea Table Changed My Life

This is the story of how my beloved tea table (which is a bit messy at the moment but loved to bits nevertheless) healed my broken heart and transformed my life 4 years ago in 2016.  It's a story I've told a number of times to different people in the past 4 years, but the telling of it today feels different.  Because as I type this on my laptop on a lazy April Sunday morning, the last Sunday of the month in 2020, I and billions of others in the world are living amidst a global pandemic. 
Debra Wong
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Sweet Surrender: How Tea Has Transformed & Healed My Life, Part I

Sweet Surrender: How Tea Has Transformed & Healed My Life, Part I

When I talk about the last 10 years of my life, I often joke that I'm like a cat with 9 lives because I feel as though I've lived 7 different lifetimes within these 10 years.  Year after year, my life has transformed in ways I could never imagine.  Ways that have broke me, changed me, healed me, and ultimately, made me a better person.  A deeper, fuller person with a lot of battle scars but also with a lot of gratitude, purpose, passion, and love.  And if you can believe it, tea has been central in every aspect of my transformation and healing and I made this startling discovery about my life early this year.

Debra Wong
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Enjoying the Love of Tea at Home: Creating a Fun & Cozy Tea Table!

Enjoying the Love of Tea at Home: Creating a Fun & Cozy Tea Table!

I'll be the first to raise my hand and confess that my passion for tea touches different corners of my home and the days of containing my stash and collection of teas and goodies in a single drawer, bag, box, or cupboard are long gone.  But I found a solution that's not only fun, but beautiful, creative, neat, organized, and soothing for the soul!
Debra Wong
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Keeping a Tea Journal: 5 Great Journaling Prompts & Ideas!

Keeping a Tea Journal: 5 Great Journaling Prompts & Ideas!

I've kept a running record of my tea adventures, stories, and thoughts for the last 10 years and it's a past time that is so incredibly fulfilling and enjoyable because it's such a fun creative outlet.  So for anyone who is looking to begin tea journaling as a hobby, or for those who are simply looking for some fresh inspiration, you've come to the right place!  I've got some fun ideas and 5 great journaling prompts to get you started.
Debra Wong
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Staying Cozy Inside: 5 Tips For Enjoying Afternoon Tea at Home!

Staying Cozy Inside: 5 Tips For Enjoying Afternoon Tea at Home!

Afternoon tea is one of the funnest, most enjoyable ways to spend an afternoon and bringing the beloved pastime into the comforts of your home doesn't have to be overly complex or even expensive.  And I show you how in this blog post!  Here are 5 ways to enjoy afternoon tea at home while keeping it easy-peasy.

Debra Wong
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